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Why Marriages Go Wrong and How to Make Yours Succeed

Pick up your own copy of this best selling marriage help book, now available on!

If you’ve ever wondered why the divorce rate is so high today, and more importantly, what the secret is to the 50% of marriages that actually DO succeed and thrive, then this is the book for you!

Sociology, anthropology, psychology and a large dose of real-life case studies and stories combine to make this an eye-opening, exciting read.

From the author of the best selling book, 12 Proven Steps to Have a Healthy Marriage, Prevent Divorce and Keep Your Romance Alive comes a fascinating new look into what exactly makes marriages work and last for a lifetime. Once you begin reading, you’ll soon discover why marriages fail and how to navigate the hazards that come with such a special relationship.

This extremely well-researched and pragmatic book is geared toward three types of readers: those who are excited about getting married one day, those who are currently married, and those who have children who will get married sometime soon.

Whether you’re just starting out or you want to know how to save a marriage, Why Marriages Go Wrong and How to Make Yours Succeed will surely help you to better your marriage or help you provide marriage advice for those who would like to tie the knot someday.

Simply put, this is the ultimate marriage help guide. Buy it now to read on all of your electronic devices instantly!

See what readers are saying about this new book:

What a great book! I’m getting married soon and plan to have a great family with new husband, so this book came at a perfect time. I especially liked the section about husbands and wives becoming parents and all the pitfalls to avoid. I definitely look forward to reading more from Richard Chesser!”


“I’ve been married for awhile and this book definitely made me think a bit. With the amount of research Chesser put into this, it helped me realize why we’ve had some friction in my marriage and more importantly how to deal with it so we can have many more years of happiness together. Recommend you get this on your Kindle.”

Click here to get your copy today and stay tuned for more exciting Chesser marriage help titles coming your way!