The Marriage Compatibility Test: 101 Questions to Ask Before You Marry
Check out Richard’s best selling marriage help book, available on Amazon.com!
See what readers are saying about this new book:
“There are some great questions in this book that will help you create a dialogue with the person you want to marry. Or it may make you look at things a little differently, which can be helpful. It was a fun read, and I highly recommend this book if you are thinking about getting married. Please really think about the questions and be honest with yourself. ”
“I bought this as a gift for one of my children to read as they approach marriage. Even though I have been married for awhile, this had questions I had not even thought to ask before (but that would have helped us a lot in the beginning). We were reading some of these questions at my last family get together and they sparked some really deep conversation. Now if we can only get the rest of the young generation to read books like this it might help lower the divorce rate!!”
Click here to get your copy today and stay tuned for more exciting Chesser titles coming your way!